Air Filtration Library
Zhao, P.; Poudyal, A.; Zhu, W. H.; Tatarchuk, B. J., Filtration performance of novel microfibrous media embedded with nanofiber flocs for aerosol particle removal. Nanotechnology 2019, 30 (7), 075603.
Zhao, P., Cheng, P. and Tatarchuk, B. J. (2016), Loading of fibrous filter media and newly designed filter configurations by salt particles: An experimental study. AIChE J., 62: 3739–3750
Kennedy D M, et al. Fuel cell cathode air filters: Methodologies for design and optimization. Journal of Power Sources 168 (2007) 391.
Karwa, A. N. and Tatarchuk, B.J., Aerosol filtration enhancement using carbon nanostructures synthesized within a sintered nickel microfibrous matrix, Separation and Purification Technology, Vol. 87, Pg 84–94, 2012.
Chen, Y., Sothen, R., Cheng, P., Tatarchuk, B.J. New Design of Air Filtration System for Energy Efficiency Improvement. Energy Efficiency (Submitted in April 23, 2012), 26 pages.
Ryan A. Sothen and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "A Semi-Empirical Pressure Drop Model: Part 1 Pleated Filters" submitted to HVAC&R Research on March 20th, 2008 (Published November 2008; HVAC & R Research , 14 (6): 841-861.
Ryan A. Sothen and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "A Semi-Empirical Pressure Drop Model: Part 2 Multi-Element Pleated Filter Bank" submitted to HVAC&R Research on March 20th, 2008 (Published March 2009; HVAC & R Research , 15 (2): 269-286.
Kennedy D. M.; Cahela, D.R.; Zhu, W.H.; Westrom, K.C.; Nelms, R.M.; Tatarchuk, B.J. "Fuel Cell Cathode Air Filters: Methodologies for Design and Optimization". Journal of Power Sources 168(2), 391-399 (2007).
Zhao, P.; Chen, Y,; Tatarchuk, B.J. Design and optimization of sea salt aerosols filtration for Naval Fuel Cells, AICHE Annual Meeting, 2012
Xu, G.; Tatarchuk, B.J., Application of Multi-Element Structured Array On Activated Carbon Filter In HVAC Systems, AIChE Annual Meeting, 2012.
Chen, Y. and Tatarchuk, B.J., Improved Filtration Performance of a Novel Filter Housing Design, 2012 AFS Annual Conference, Jun 4-7, Boca Raton, FL., 2012.
Amogh N. Karwa and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "Enhancement in aerosol filtration performance using 3-dimensionally dispersed carbon nanofibers for depth filtration", American Filtration Society, Oct. 2011. Oral Presentation
Y. Chen, G. Xu and B.J. Tatarchuk. "Performance and Costs of Multi-Element Structured Arrays in Air Filtration." AIChE 2010, Salt Lake City, UT.
Amogh N. Karwa, Virginia A. Davis and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "Synthesis of Vapor Grown Carbon Fibers (VGCF) On Sintered Metal Fibers (SMF) for Air-Filtration" 2009 Annual Meeting for American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AICHE), Nashville, TN November 2009.
Ryan A. Sothen and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "Design Characteristics of Pleated Filters and Their Corresponding Effect on Flow Resistance" presented at the Auburn GSC Forum on March 12th, 2008
Ryan A. Sothen and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "A Predictive Pressure Drop Model for Designing and Optimizing Cathode Air Filters," 43rd Power Sources Conference July 9th, 2008
Ryan A. Sothen and Bruce J. Tatarchuk. "A Predictive Pressure Drop Model for Designing and Optimizing Cathode Air Filters" AICHE National Conference November 19th, 2008
"Overview of Microfibrous Media for Airborne Contaminant Removal," 2008 Self-Contained Self Rescuer Workshop, the national Technology Transfer Center at Wheeling Jesuit University, Wheeling, WV, April 4, 2008, Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
R. Sothen and B.J. Tatarchuk, "Design Characteristics of Pleated Filters and Their Corresponding Effect on Pressure Resistance" presented at the AICHE National Conference on November 6th, 2007.
R. Sothen and B.J. Tatarchuk, "A Predictive Pressure Drop Model for a Multi-Filter Array Filtration System" presented at the AICHE National Conference on November 6th, 2007.